Berg B-Model Plush Tray Liners - Part #3084B+ - Narrow / 3085B+ - Wide

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Berg B-Model Plush Tray liners.jpg

Berg B-Model Plush Tray Liners - Part #3084B+ - Narrow / 3085B+ - Wide


PN 3084B+ - Narrow Liner - 19-1/2” Long

PN 3085B+ - Wide Liner - 19-1/2” Long

Plush Liner - Velour (simulated velvet)

This is a particular size for an older model case. Please be sure this is the size you need. We are unable to accept returns for this item.

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1970’s Berg B-Model Tray (+1” from the Selector B-Model)

2-1/2" (Narrow) x 19-1/2" Inside Dimension


3-3/4" (Wide) x 19-1/2" Inside Dimension